Source code for WorkspaceManager.Workspace

from DirectorySpace import DirectorySpace
from Scene import Scene
from Utils import Utils                     # need the package import in
from pictureManager import PictureModel

[docs]class Workspace(DirectorySpace): """ A workspace containing its own configuration and scenes. Attributes: name (str): The name of the workspace. base_path (str): The absolute path of the directory containing the workspace. relative_path (str): The path of the workspace relatively to base_path. subdirs (dict(str,str)): The useful subdirectories (path,name). scenes (dict(str,Scene)): The dictionnary of the scenes it contains. Keys are the scene paths. current_scene (str): The path of the current scene. qt_directory (QDir): The directory corresponding to that workspace. pictureModel (PictureModel): A model for the view. """ def __init__(self, name="", base_path="", relative_path=""): """Initialize a workspace. Args: name (str): The name of the workspace. Default is "". base_path (str): The absolute path of the directory containing the workspace. relative_path (str): The path of the workspace relatively to base_path. Raises: AssertionError: If a directory with that path already exists. """ super().__init__(name,base_path,relative_path) self.subdirs["Configs"] = "Configuration folder" self.scenes = dict() self.current_scene = "" self.pictureModel = None
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete the workspace (and its contents). It must not be called by itself but by the workspace manager ! Raises: AssertionError: If the workspace directory does not exist or can not be deleted. """ # Deleting the workspace directory super().delete()
[docs] def new_scene(self, name="", path=""): """ Add a new scene to the workspace. Args: name (str): The name of the new scene path (str): The local path of the scene (inside workspace) Raises: AssertionError: If a scene with the same path already exists. """ if not name: name = "scene_" + str(len(self.scenes)+1) path = Utils.valid_name(path) if not path: path = Utils.valid_name(name) assert (path not in self.scenes), "A scene with the path "+path+" already exists." scene = Scene(name, self.full_path(), path) scene.create_directory() self.scenes[path] = scene self.set_current_scene(path) print(scene)
[docs] def delete_scene(self, scene_path): """ Delete the scene identified by its local path. Args: scene_path (str): The path (relatively to the workspace) of the scene to delete. """ assert (scene_path in self.scenes),\ "The scene "+ scene_path +" does not exist in the workspace." self.scenes[scene_path].delete() del self.scenes[scene_path] if (self.current_scene == scene_path): self.current_scene = ""
[docs] def get_current_scene(self): """ Get the current scene of the workspace. Returns: Scene: The current scene. Raises: AssertionError: If no current scene. AssertionError: If the current scene has disappeared. """ assert (self.current_scene), "There is no current scene." assert (self.current_scene in self.scenes), "The current scene is not reachable." return self.scenes[self.current_scene]
[docs] def set_current_scene(self, scene_path): """ Set the current scene. Args: scene_path (str): The relative path of the scene which will be the current scene. Raises: AssertionError: If the scene does not exist in the workspace. """ assert (scene_path in self.scenes), "That scene "+scene_path+" does not exist in this workspace." self.current_scene = scene_path
[docs] def getPictureModel(self): return self.pictureModel
[docs] def setPictureModel(self, pictureModel): self.pictureModel = pictureModel
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Change displaying of a workspace. Example: >>> print(workspace) """ s = ["Workspace : " + ,\ " path : " + self.full_path() ,\ " current scene : " + self.current_scene ,\ " all scenes : " + str(list(self.scenes.keys()))] return "\n".join(s)
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Serialize a Workspace object. """ serial = super().serialize() serial["subdirs"] = self.subdirs serial["scenes"] = dict() for scene in self.scenes: serial["scenes"][scene] = self.scenes[scene].serialize() serial["current_scene"] = self.current_scene return serial
[docs] def deserialize(serial): """ Recreate a Workspace object from its serialization. Args: serial (dict()): The serialized version of a Workspace object. """ workspace = DirectorySpace.deserialize(serial) workspace.__class__ = Workspace workspace.subdirs = serial["subdirs"] workspace.scenes = dict() for scene in serial["scenes"]: workspace.scenes[scene] = Scene.deserialize(serial["scenes"][scene]) workspace.current_scene = serial["current_scene"] workspace.pictureModel = PictureModel.load(\ workspace.get_current_scene().full_path(), "pictures") return workspace