Source code for WorkspaceManager.Scene

from DirectorySpace import DirectorySpace
from Utils import Utils                     # need the package import in
import os

[docs]class Scene(DirectorySpace): """ A scene containing all its images. Class Attributes: RECONSTRUCTION_OUTPUT_DIR RECONSTRUCTION_TEMP_DIR RECONSTRUCTION_PICTURE_DIR Attributes: name (str): The name of the scene. It must be unique in the workspace. For example : "Shooting ENSEEIHT". Default is "scene_n" where n is the current number of scenes in workspace. base_path (str): The path of the scene's workspace. relative_path (str): The path of the scene relatively to base_path. subdirs (dict(str,str)): The useful subdirectories (path,name). """ RECONSTRUCTION_OUTPUT_DIR = "reconstruction_output" RECONSTRUCTION_TEMP_DIR = "reconstruction_temp" RECONSTRUCTION_PICTURE_DIR = "reconstruction_pictures" PICTURES_DIR = "pictures_set" THUMBNAILS_DIR = "thumbnails" def __init__(self, name, base_path, relative_path=""): """ Initialize a scene in a workspace. Args: name (str): The name of the scene. base_path (str): The path of the scene's workspace. relative_path (str): The path relatively to the workspace. """ super().__init__(name,base_path,relative_path) self.subdirs[Scene.RECONSTRUCTION_OUTPUT_DIR] =\ "The output directory for reconstruction" self.subdirs[Scene.RECONSTRUCTION_TEMP_DIR] =\ "The temporary output directory for reconstruction" self.subdirs[Scene.RECONSTRUCTION_PICTURE_DIR] =\ "The directory containing the pictures used for reconstruction" self.subdirs[Scene.THUMBNAILS_DIR] =\ "The directory containing the thumbnails temporary stored when importing pictures" self.subdirs[Scene.PICTURES_DIR] =\ "The directory holding all pictures files of the scene"
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete the scene and remove its access from the workspace. It must not be called by itself but by the workspace ! """ super().delete()
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Change displaying of a scene. Example: >>> print(scene) """ s = ["Scene : " + ,\ " workspace : " + self.base_path ,\ " path : " + self.relative_path] return "\n".join(s)
[docs] def deserialize(serial): """ Regenerate a Scene object from serialized data (JSON like). Args: serial (dict()): The serialized version of a Scene object. """ scene = DirectorySpace.deserialize(serial) scene.__class__ = Scene return scene ############################## RECONSTRUCTION ###################################
[docs] def get_reconstruction_out_dir(self): return self.RECONSTRUCTION_OUTPUT_DIR
[docs] def get_reconstruction_temp_dir(self): return self.RECONSTRUCTION_TEMP_DIR
[docs] def get_reconstruction_picture_dir(self): return self.RECONSTRUCTION_PICTURE_DIR #============================= end reconstruction =============================== ############################## THUMBNAILS ###################################
[docs] def get_thumbnails_dir(self): return self.THUMBNAILS_DIR #============================= end thumbnails ===============================