Source code for WorkspaceManager.DirectorySpace

import os
from PyQt5.QtCore import QDir
from Utils import Utils                     # need the package import in
from Savable import Savable                 # need the package import in

[docs]class DirectorySpace(Savable): """ A space based on a directory in the file system. Attributes: name (str): The name of the space. base_path (str): The absolute path of the directory containing the space. relative_path (str): The path of the directory space relatively to base_path. subdirs (dict(str,str)): The useful subdirectories (path,name).\ The paths are the keys qt_directory (QDir): The directory corresponding to that workspace """ def __init__(self, name="", base_path="", relative_path=""): """Initialize a DirectorySpace. Args: name (str): The name of the directory space. Default is "". base_path (str): The absolute path of the directory containing the space. relative_path (str): The path of the space relatively to base_path. Raises: AssertionError: If a directory with that path already exists. """ assert name, "The argument name must not be empty" = name base_path = Utils.valid_name(base_path) self.base_path = base_path relative_path = Utils.valid_name(relative_path) if not relative_path: relative_path = Utils.valid_name(name) self.relative_path = relative_path assert (os.path.isabs(base_path)), "The path " + base_path + " is not absolute." self.qt_directory = QDir(os.path.join(base_path,relative_path)) self.subdirs = dict()
[docs] def create_directory(self): """ Effectively creates the directory thanks to Qt object QDir """ assert (not self.qt_directory.exists()),\ "The directory " + self.qt_directory.absolutePath() + " already exists. " + \ "Please give a non-existing directory (it will be created)" assert (self.qt_directory.mkpath(".")), "The directory " +\ self.qt_directory.absolutePath() + " can not be created." for subpath in self.subdirs: self.qt_directory.mkpath(subpath)
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete the directory space (and its contents). Raises: AssertionError: If the directory does not exist or can not be deleted. """ # Deleting the workspace directory assert (self.qt_directory.exists()),\ "The directory " + self.qt_directory.absolutePath() + " does not exists." assert (self.qt_directory.removeRecursively()),\ "The directory " + self.qt_directory.absolutePath() + " can not be deleted."
[docs] def full_path(self): return os.path.join(self.base_path, self.relative_path)
[docs] def serialize(self): return dict(\ name =,\ base_path = self.base_path,\ relative_path = self.relative_path)
[docs] def deserialize(serial): return DirectorySpace(\ name=serial['name'],\ base_path=serial['base_path'],\ relative_path=serial['relative_path'])
[docs] def save(self, file_name): """ Save the object in the file system. """ # path of the directory containing the the save directory_path = self.full_path() super().save(directory_path,file_name)
[docs] def load(cls, base_path, file_name, object_class=None): """ Recreate a DirectorySpace object from a file. Args: base_path (str): The path of the directory containing the file. file_name (str): The name of the file to load. object_class (class): The class of the object to recreate. """ if object_class == None: object_class = cls return Savable.load(base_path, file_name, object_class)