Source code for PictureManager.pictureManager

from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from Savable import Savable # Need __init__
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os, exiftool

[docs]class PictureState(): """ An Enumeration to handle all different state in which a picture may be """ NEW = 0 # The picture is newly added to the set of pictures RECONSTRUCTION = 1 # A newly added picture used for a reconstruction REJECTED = 2 # A picture rejected after a reconstruction, will not be used for next reconstruction PROCESSED = 3 # A processed pictures, used for a reconstruction and not rejected THUMBNAIL = 4 # Only a thumbnail corresponding to an existing picture to be imported THUMBNAIL_DISCARDED = 5 # Discard a thumbnail in order to suppress the thumbnail on real import DISCARDED = 6 # Discarded pictures will not be used for the reconstruction
[docs]class Picture(object): """ A container used to store all data about a particular picture. It reflects an xml structure and is used to manipulate photos as dataModel along the use of the application """ def __init__(self, resourcesPath, path, latitude, longitude, date = None, \ status = PictureState.NEW): """ Initialize a picture. Args: path (str): path to the picture file date (str): the date the photo has been taken status (str): the status of the picture, see PictureState upon """ self.path, self.status, self._resourcesPath = path, status, resourcesPath self.latitude, self.longitude = latitude, longitude = date = os.path.basename(self.path) @pyqtProperty(str) def icon(self): """ Retrieve the icon corresponding to the picture's status Returns: str: The path to the icon file. """ return os.path.join(self._resourcesPath, "Icons", str(self.status) + ".png") @pyqtProperty(str) def circleColor(self): """ Retrieve a color to display on the map widget, depending on the status Return: str: The desired color """ colors = { PictureState.NEW: "#1db7ff", PictureState.PROCESSED: "#98cd00", PictureState.RECONSTRUCTION: "#505050", PictureState.REJECTED: "#ff3237", PictureState.DISCARDED: "#ff3237", PictureState.THUMBNAIL: "#ff3237", PictureState.THUMBNAIL_DISCARDED: "#ff3237", } return colors[self.status]
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Serialize a Picture object. """ serial = dict() serial['path'] = self.path serial['latitude'] = self.latitude serial['longitude'] = self.longitude serial['status'] = self.status serial['date'] = return serial
[docs]class PictureManager(QSortFilterProxyModel): @pyqtSlot(result=int)
[docs] def count(self): """ An alias to be used in QML as a property. We can"t use the rowCount method as it should remain available inside the class. Returns: int: The number of element in the model """ return self.rowCount()
@pyqtSlot(int, result=str)
[docs] def getName(self, index): return self.sourceModel().data(self.sourceModel().index(index), PictureModel.NAME_ROLE)
[docs] def computeCenter(self): """ Compute the coordinates of the center associated to all pictures Returns: list<float>: The coordinates, latitude then longitude """ extract = lambda coord: [ float(getattr(d, coord)) for d in self.sourceModel()._data if getattr(d, coord) != "0.0" ] latitudes = extract('latitude'); longitudes = extract('longitude') coords = {'latitude': 0, 'longitude': 0} if(len(latitudes) > 0 and len(longitudes) > 0): average = lambda list: sum(list) / len(list) coords['latitude'] = average(latitudes) coords['longitude'] = average(longitudes) #Else, throw an error to inform the user ? return coords
def _iterateOverRows(self, rows): """ Iterate over rows in the model that may change during the iteration Args: rows (list<QModelIndex>): The related rows in the proxy model """ processed = [] # Holds all rows already been processed previousSize = self.count() for row in rows: if row.isValid(): processed.append(row.row()) if previousSize != self.count(): previouslyProcessed = [ p for p in processed if p < row.row() ] row = self.index(row.row() - len(previouslyProcessed), 0) previousSize = self.count() yield row #YoloSwagg
[docs] def discardAll(self, rows): """ Change the status of pictures to DISCARDED or THUMBNAIL_DISCARDED Args: rows (list<QModelIndex>): The related rows in the proxy model """ state = True for row in self._iterateOverRows(rows): currentStatus =, PictureModel.STATUS_ROLE) newStatus = currentStatus == PictureState.THUMBNAIL and PictureState.THUMBNAIL_DISCARDED\ or PictureState.DISCARDED state = state and self.setData(row, newStatus, PictureModel.STATUS_ROLE) return state
[docs] def renewAll(self, rows): """ Change the status of pictures DISCARDED, THUMBNAIL_DISCARDED or REJECTED to NEW Args: rows (list<QModelIndex>): The related rows in the proxy model """ state = True for row in self._iterateOverRows(rows): currentStatus =, PictureModel.STATUS_ROLE) if currentStatus in [PictureState.REJECTED, PictureState.DISCARDED, PictureState.THUMBNAIL_DISCARDED]: newStatus = currentStatus == PictureState.THUMBNAIL_DISCARDED and PictureState.THUMBNAIL or PictureState.NEW state = state and self.setData(row, newStatus, PictureModel.STATUS_ROLE) return state
[docs] def deleteAll(self, rows): """ Remove pictures from the model Args: rows (list<QModelIndex>): The related rows in the proxy model """ state = True for row in self._iterateOverRows(rows): state = state and self.removeRow(row.row()) return state
[docs] def move(self, initRow, finalRow): """ Move a row from an index to another. Exactly, put initRow after finalRow if moving up to down, and before finalRow if moving down to up Args: initRow (QModelIndex): The starting index finalRow (QModelIndex): The final index """ # Ensure the index is correct if not initRow.isValid() or not finalRow.isValid(): return False outOfBounds = lambda index, sup: index < 0 or index >= sup if outOfBounds(initRow.row(), self.rowCount()) or \ outOfBounds(finalRow.row(), self.rowCount()): return False # Find the corresponding index in the real model source = self.sourceModel() initSourceRow = 0; finalSourceRow = 0 for i in range(0, source.rowCount()): srcName =, PictureModel.NAME_ROLE) filterInitName =, PictureModel.NAME_ROLE) filterFinalName =, PictureModel.NAME_ROLE) initSourceRow = srcName == filterInitName and i or initSourceRow finalSourceRow = srcName == filterFinalName and i or finalSourceRow initIndex = initRow.row(); finalIndex = finalRow.row() if(initIndex < finalIndex): # Moving downside. FinalIndex should be the index of initRow new child. finalIndex += 1; finalSourceRow += 1 elif(initIndex > finalIndex): #Moving upside. We will insert a row before, so the index will be displaced initSourceRow += 1 else: # Both index are equal, do nothing, there is no move return True # Move picture from source model and notify the proxy state = self.beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), initIndex, initIndex, QModelIndex(), finalIndex) source.insertRow(finalSourceRow) source.setData(source.index(finalSourceRow), \, source.ITEM_ROLE), \ source.ITEM_ROLE) source.removeRow(initSourceRow) self.endMoveRows() return state
[docs]class MetaPictureModel(pyqtWrapperType, Savable): pass
[docs]class PictureModel(QAbstractListModel, metaclass=MetaPictureModel): """ Represent and handle a list of pictures as a ListModel. Directly implements QAbstractListModel. Attributes: PATH_ROLE (int): Role that handle the picture's path name of an item NAME_ROLE (int): Role that handle the picture's name of an item DATE_ROLE (int): Role that handle the picture's date of creation STATUS_ROLE (int): Role that handle the picture's status of an item ICON_ROLE (int): Role that handle the picture's icon of an item ITEM_ROLE (int): Role related to the whole item / picture LATITUDE_ROLE (int): Role related to the latitude of an item LONGITUDE_ROLE (int): Roled related to the longitude of an item COLOR_ROLE (int): Role that handle the color of an item on the map """ #Roles of our model, used in QML side to retrieve data from our model PATH_ROLE = Qt.UserRole + 1 NAME_ROLE = Qt.UserRole + 2 DATE_ROLE = Qt.UserRole + 3 STATUS_ROLE = Qt.UserRole + 4 ICON_ROLE = Qt.UserRole + 5 LATITUDE_ROLE = Qt.UserRole + 6 LONGITUDE_ROLE = Qt.UserRole + 7 COLOR_ROLE = Qt.UserRole + 8 ITEM_ROLE = Qt.UserRole + 50 _roles = { PATH_ROLE: "path", NAME_ROLE: "name", DATE_ROLE: "date", STATUS_ROLE: "status", ICON_ROLE: "icon", ITEM_ROLE: "item", LATITUDE_ROLE: "latitude", LONGITUDE_ROLE: "longitude", COLOR_ROLE: "circleColor" } def __init__(self, resourcesPath, listPictures = [], parent = None): """ Initialize a picture model. Args: resourcesPath (str): Path to the resources folder of the application. listPictures (str): The list of pictures to use, could be empty and\ specified later parent (str): Parent Element; May remains None in our case """ super(PictureModel, self).__init__(parent) self._resourcesPath = resourcesPath self._data = listPictures
[docs] def instantiateManager(self): """ Create an instance of this model manager. The manager add an indirection that allow, for instance, filtering. Returns: PictureManager: The picture manager corresponding to that model """ manager = PictureManager() manager.setSourceModel(self) manager.setFilterRole(self.STATUS_ROLE) # Status will be used in order to filter pictures return manager
[docs] def insertRow(self, row, parent = QModelIndex()): """ An implementation of the parent method insertRow. It add an empty row at the given index See Qt Documentation for more details <3. Args: row (int): The index of tization between pictures. If more than one\ index are supplied, the first he future row. If superior to model size,\ the row will be appended. parent (QModelIndex): The parent index, always default in our case. Returns: bool: Return True if the row have been successfully inserted. """ self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row) state = self._data.insert(row, None) self.endInsertRows() return state
[docs] def data(self, index, role = NAME_ROLE): """ Retrieve a piece of information from an item (a picture) of the model Args: index (int): The index of the element role (int): The role of the element we are interested in Returns: QVariant: The requested element or data related to this element. """ # Ensure the index if not index.isValid(): return QVariant() elif index.row() > len(self._data): return QVariant() # Ensure the role if not role in PictureModel._roles: return QVariant() # Index and role are correct, retrieve the picture and send back the requested information picture = self._data[index.row()] if picture == None: return QVariant() if(role == self.ITEM_ROLE): return picture return getattr(picture, PictureModel._roles[role])
[docs] def roleNames(self): """ An accessor to roles names """ return self._roles
[docs] def add(self, picture, index = None): """ Add a picture to the model picture -- The picture to add index -- The index where the picture should be inserted. If None, the picture will be appended at the end. """ # Append at the end if index == None: self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), len(self._data), len(self._data)) self._data.append(picture) self.endInsertRows() # Insert in the list else: # Ensure Index if not index.isValid(): return False row = index.row() if row > len(self._data): return False else: self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row) self._data.insert(row, picture) self.endInsertRows() return True
[docs] def removeRows(self, row, count, parent = QModelIndex()): """ Remove contiguous pictures from the model Args row (int) : The first picture's index count (int) : Number of picture to remove parent (QModelIndex) : The parent row """ # Ensure the index is correct if len(self._data) <= 0: return False if row < 0 or count < 1 or row + count - 1 >= self.rowCount(): return False self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row + count - 1) #Deleting row starting by the latest index for i in range(0, count): del self._data[row + count - i - 1] self.endRemoveRows() return True
[docs] def removeRow(self, row, parent = QModelIndex()): """ Remove a picture from the model row -- The picture"s index """ self.removeRows(row, 1, parent)
[docs] def rowCount(self, parent = QModelIndex()): """ Return the number of element within that model """ return len(self._data)
[docs] def setData(self, index, value, role): """ Set a particular value in the data model using his role. index -- The index of the related element value -- The new value role -- The related role """ # Ensure index and role if not index.isValid() or index.row() > self.rowCount() or not role in PictureModel._roles: return False if(role == self.ITEM_ROLE): self._data[index.row()] = value else: picture = self._data[index.row()] setattr(picture, PictureModel._roles[role], value) self.dataChanged.emit(index, index, [role]) return True
[docs] def printData(self): for picture in self._data: print (picture == None and "-----" or str(picture.status) + " - " +
[docs] def thumbnails(self): return [p for p in self._data if p.status==PictureState.THUMBNAIL]
[docs] def removeDiscardedThumbnails(self): for i in range(0,self.rowCount()): if self._data[self.rowCount()-i-1].status == PictureState.THUMBNAIL_DISCARDED : del self._data[self.rowCount()-i-1]
[docs] def populate(self, picturesFiles, status = PictureState.NEW): """ Populate the model, i.e. add instance of pictures element. Element are added with the status "NEW" Args: picturesFiles (list<str>) : List of path to the different pictures status (int) : The initial status to assign to the item """ with exiftool.ExifTool() as exifparser: for url in picturesFiles: print(url) # Get EXIF data exifData = exifparser.get_tags(\ ['EXIF:GPSLatitude', 'EXIF:GPSLongitude'], url) if not ('EXIF:GPSLatitude' in exifData): #May raise an error if no GPS data ? exifData['EXIF:GPSLatitude'] = "0.0" exifData['EXIF:GPSLongitude'] = "0.0" self.add(Picture(self._resourcesPath, url, \ str(exifData['EXIF:GPSLatitude']), str(exifData['EXIF:GPSLongitude']), \ status = status))
[docs] def validFiles(self): """ Retrieve all files that may be used for the reconstruction; i.e. with status : NEW or PROCESSED Returns: list<Picture>: The list of all valid pictures in that model """ return [ p for p in self._data if p.status in [PictureState.NEW, PictureState.PROCESSED] ]
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Serialize a pictureModel object. """ serial = dict() serial['pictures'] = [] for picture in self._data: serial['pictures'].append(picture.serialize()) serial['resourcesPath'] = self._resourcesPath return serial
[docs] def deserialize(serial): """ Recreate a pictureModel object from its serialization. Args: serial (dict()): The serialized version of a pictureModel object. """ pictureModel = PictureModel(serial['resourcesPath']) for picture in serial['pictures']: pictureModel.add(Picture(serial['resourcesPath'], picture['path'],\ picture['latitude'], picture['longitude'], picture['date'], picture['status'])) return pictureModel
[docs] def save(self, base_path, file_name): """ Save the object in the file system. """, base_path, file_name)
[docs] def load(cls, base_path, file_name, object_class=None): """ Recreate a pictureModel object from a file. Args: base_path (str): The path of the directory containing the file. file_name (str): The name of the file to load. object_class (class): The class of the object to recreate. """ if object_class == None: object_class = cls return Savable.load(base_path, file_name, object_class)