Source code for PictureFetcher.pygphoto

import re
import subprocess
import os
import threading
import sys
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject
from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread
from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot

[docs]class Pygphoto(QObject): """Allows simple operations on a USB connected camera by interfacing the gphoto2 command line tool. This class allows to interact with a USB camera. List the names of the photos present in the camera, watch for new files, and eventually download the photos individually. Needs a QApplication to be instantiated in order to watch properly for events. Args: watch_camera=False (bool): Should the daemon thread watch for camera connection. watch_files=False (bool): Should the daemon thread watch for files creation/deletion. """ # Constants # Command lines string value _GPHOTO = "gphoto2" # Camera events check period in milliseconds _EVENTS_PERIOD = 500 # Signals onCameraConnection = pyqtSignal(bool) """``pyqtSignal(bool)`` This signal indicates if a camera is connected.""" onContentChanged = pyqtSignal(list, list) """``pyqtSignal(list, list)`` When watching the camera for new files, emit this signal when there has been some changes in the camera filesystem. Arguments are the lists of new files and deleted files """ _onWatchCamera = pyqtSignal(bool) """This signal indicates if the component should start or stop watching for connection events with a camera.""" _onWatchFile = pyqtSignal(bool) """This signal indicates if the component should start or stop watching for new files on the camera.""" def __init__(self, watch_camera=False, watch_files=False): # Super constructor QObject.__init__(self) # _files_index is an internal dictionnary that associate all the # files present on the camera, along with their gphoto index self._files_index = dict() # Create mutex for the camera self._camera_lock = threading.Lock() # Create an internal CameraWatcher self._camera_watcher = Pygphoto._CameraWatcher(self, watch_camera, watch_files) # Connect watch file and watch camera signals self._onWatchFile.connect(self._camera_watcher.set_watching_files) self._onWatchCamera.connect(self._camera_watcher.set_watching_camera) # Forward signals from camera_watcher self._camera_watcher.onCameraConnection.connect(self.__forward_onCameraConnection) self._camera_watcher.onContentChanged.connect(self.__forward_onContentChanged) # Create a thread to execute the CameraWatcher in self._watcher_thread = QThread() self._camera_watcher.moveToThread(self._watcher_thread) # Start the watching self._watcher_thread.started.connect(self._camera_watcher._watch_events) self._watcher_thread.start()
[docs] def check_camera_connected(self): """ Returns: A boolean indicating the presence of a connected camera. Raises: CalledProcessError: when gphoto2 raised an error. """ # Try an auto-detect and see if there are results command = [Pygphoto._GPHOTO, "--auto-detect"] with self._camera_lock: output = subprocess.check_output(command).decode("utf-8") lines = output.splitlines() # The first two lines are # Model Port # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Then comes the list of connected camera (that can be empty) return (len(lines) > 2)
[docs] def query_camera_name(self): """ Returns: The camera model name, or None. """ result = None model_string = "Model: " command = [Pygphoto._GPHOTO, "--summary"] try: with self._camera_lock: output = subprocess.check_output(command).decode("utf-8") lines = output.splitlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith(model_string): # The name follows the model_string result = line[len(model_string):] except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass return result
[docs] def query_storage_info(self): """ Returns: A dictionnary of values concerning memory usage {free, occupied, total} containing values in KB. Raises: CalledProcessError: when gphoto2 raised an error. """ def first_int(string): # Take the first result of all the digit-only substrings return int(re.findall(r"\d+", string)[0]) result = dict() command = [Pygphoto._GPHOTO, "--storage-info"] with self._camera_lock: output = subprocess.check_output(command).decode("utf_8") output = output.splitlines() # Scan output for relevant information for line in output: if line.startswith("totalcapacity="): result["total"] = first_int(line) elif line.startswith("free="): result["free"] = first_int(line) # Compute occupied value result["occupied"] = result["total"] - result["free"] return result
def _filelist_to_dict(filenames_list): """Convert a filename list to a dictionnary associating filenames with their index. Args: filenames_list (list): The list of filenames. Returns: A dictionnary associating each filename with their original list index. """ # Number each files, starting with 1 return dict(zip(filenames_list, range(1, len(filenames_list) + 1))) def _query_filename(self, index): """Return the filename of the file indexed "index" when listing all the files present on the camera Raises a CalledProcessError when gphoto2 raised an error. """ # Show info on the file indexed "index" command = [Pygphoto._GPHOTO, "--show-info", str(index)] with self._camera_lock: output = subprocess.check_output(command).decode("utf-8") # The filename is the fourth word filename = output.split()[3] # We remove the trailing simple quotes ("'") return filename.strip("'")
[docs] def query_file_list(self): """Generate the list of filenames for all the files present on the first camera found by requesting directly the camera. Returns: The list of all filenames present on the camera. Raises: CalledProcessError: when gphoto2 raised an error. """ retval = [] # Result list of filenames # Grab the output of the list file command command = [Pygphoto._GPHOTO,"--list-files"] with self._camera_lock: output = subprocess.check_output(command).decode("utf-8") # Parse the output for "#" lines for line in iter(output.splitlines()): if line[0] == "#": # Split every one or more whitespaces words = line.split() filename = words[1] retval.append(filename) return retval
[docs] def download_file(self, filename, output_dir, overwrite=True, thumbnail=False): """Download the file name "filename" and copy it to the given path. Args: filename (str): The name of the file to download. output_dir (str): The directory where the files should be downloaded to. overwrite=True (bool): If any existing file with the same name should be overwritten. thumbnail=False (bool): Download the thumbnail instead of the file. Returns: 0 if succeeded. Else returns the error code returned by gphoto. """ # Check that the output dir is a valid directory assert(os.path.isdir(output_dir)) # Get the gphoto index of the file and check it is up to date if(not filename in self._files_index or not self._query_filename(self._files_index[filename]) == filename): # Update the files dictionnary self._files_index = Pygphoto._filelist_to_dict(self.query_file_list()) index = self._files_index[filename] # The destination is "output_dir/filename destination_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(output_dir, filename)) # Check that the file does not already exist if(os.path.exists(destination_path)): if(overwrite): # First remove the file os.remove(destination_path) else: # Do nothing return 0 # Determine the command name if(thumbnail): command = "--get-thumbnail" else: command = "--get-file" command_line = [Pygphoto._GPHOTO, command, str(index), "--filename", destination_path] with self._camera_lock: return_code = return return_code
[docs] def download_files(self, filename_list, output_dir, overwrite=True, thumbnail=False): """Download the whole list of files to the ouput directory This is equivalent to calling download_file on every file in the "filename_list", but should be faster for a large number of files. Args: filename_list (list): The name list of files to download. output_dir (str): The directory where the files should be downloaded to. overwrite=True (bool): If any existing file with the same name should be overwritten. thumbnail=False (bool): Download the thumbnail instead of the file. Returns: files_list (list): The paths list of all downloaded files. """ # Check that the output dir is a valid directory assert(os.path.isdir(output_dir)) # Init the result list result = [] # Determine the command name if(thumbnail): command = "--get-thumbnail" else: command = "--get-file" # Update the files dictionnary self._files_index = Pygphoto._filelist_to_dict(self.query_file_list()) # Download each file for filename in filename_list: index = self._files_index[filename] # The destination is "output_dir/filename destination_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(output_dir, filename)) command_line = [Pygphoto._GPHOTO, command, str(index), "--filename", destination_path] # Check that the file does not already exist if(os.path.exists(destination_path)): if(overwrite): # First remove the file os.remove(destination_path) else: # Do nothing continue with self._camera_lock: return_code = if(return_code == 0): result.append(destination_path) return result
[docs] def download_all(self, output_dir, overwrite=True, thumbnail=False): """Download all the files present on the camera. Overwrites preexisting files. Faster than 'download_files()'. Args: output_dir (str): The directory where the files should be downloaded to. overwrite=True (bool): If any existing file with the same name should be overwritten. thumbnail=False (bool): Download the thumbnail instead of the file. Returns: The return code returned by the gphoto2 """ # Check that the output dir is a valid directory assert(os.path.isdir(output_dir)) # The destination is "output_dir/filename.suffix destination_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(output_dir, "%f.%C")) if(thumbnail): command = "--get-all-thumbnails" else: command = "--get-all-files" command_line = [Pygphoto._GPHOTO, command, "--filename", destination_path] if(overwrite): command_line.append("--force-overwrite") with self._camera_lock: return_code = return return_code ############################### # Watching functionality # ############################### # If we want to forward signals
@pyqtSlot(bool) def __forward_onCameraConnection(self, boolean): self.onCameraConnection.emit(boolean) @pyqtSlot(list, list) def __forward_onContentChanged(self, newfiles, delfiles): self.onContentChanged.emit(newfiles, delfiles) @pyqtSlot(bool)
[docs] def set_watching_files(self, value): """Set whether the component should watch for changes in the camera filesystem. Args: value (bool): True for watching. """ self._onWatchFile.emit(value)
[docs] def set_watching_camera(self, value): """Set whether the component should watch for presence of a connected camera. Args: value (bool): True for watching. """ self._onWatchCamera.emit(value)
class _CameraWatcher(QObject): """Internal class responsible for active watching. The threading is made by moving the instance of this class to a QThread. Using QThread allows for easy asynchronous communication through the use of Qt‘s signals and slots. """ # Signals onCameraConnection = pyqtSignal(bool) """This signal indicates if a camera is connected""" onContentChanged = pyqtSignal(list, list) """When watching the camera for new files, emit this signal when there has been some changes in the camera filesystem. Arguments are the lists of new files and deleted files """ def __init__(self, pygphoto, watch_camera, watch_files): # Super constructor QObject.__init__(self) # The reference to the gphoto instance to use self.__pygph = pygphoto # _files_index is an internal dictionnary that associate # all the files present on the camera, along with their # gphoto index self._files_index = dict() # Internal lock for accessing some of the attributes self.__lock__ = threading.RLock() # _watching_files indicates if this component is watching for new files self._watching_files = watch_files # _watching_camera indicates if this component is watching for camera connections self._watching_camera = watch_camera # The memorized state of camera connection self._camera_connection = False # The memorized occupied space on camera self._camera_occupied_space = 0 @pyqtSlot(bool) def set_watching_files(self, value): """Set whether the component should watch for changes in the camera filesystem. """ print("Set watching files: " + str(value)) with self.__lock__: self._watching_files = value @pyqtSlot(bool) def set_watching_camera(self, value): """Set whether the component should watch for presence of a connected camera. """ with self.__lock__: self._watching_camera = value def is_watching_file(self): """Indicates whether the component is watching for changes in the camera filesystem. """ with self.__lock__: return self._watching_files def is_watching_camera(self): """Indicates whether the component is watching for presence of a connected camera. """ with self.__lock__: return self._watching_camera @pyqtSlot() def _watch_events(self): """Executed by the watching thread : checks for every events. """ # Check for the different events with self.__lock__: if self._watching_camera: self._watch_camera() if (self._watching_files and self._camera_connection): self._watch_files() # Non blocking 'recursive' call QTimer.singleShot(Pygphoto._EVENTS_PERIOD, self._watch_events) def _watch_camera(self): """Check for a change in camera connection, possibly raising a onCameraConnection signal. """ new_camera_connection = self.__pygph.check_camera_connected() if(new_camera_connection != self._camera_connection): # Raise a signal self.onCameraConnection.emit(new_camera_connection) # Set new state self._camera_connection = new_camera_connection def _watch_files(self): """Check for changes in the camera filesystem, possibly raising a onContentChanged signal. """ try: new_occupied_space = self.__pygph.query_storage_info() if(new_occupied_space != self._camera_occupied_space): # Search for new and deleted files diff = self._diff_files() # Check there are actually some changes if(diff[0] or diff[1]): # Raise a signal self.onContentChanged.emit(diff[0], diff[1]) # Set new state self._camera_occupied_space = new_occupied_space except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass def _diff_files(self): """Query the camera and return the couple of lists (new_files, deleted_files) relatively to the last check. """ new_files = [] deleted_files = [] # Copy last index last_files_index = self._files_index.copy() # Update index self._files_index = Pygphoto._filelist_to_dict(self.__pygph.query_file_list()) # Check for new files for recent_file in self._files_index: # Check recent_files was already present if not(recent_file in last_files_index): new_files.append(recent_file) # Check for deleted files for last_file in last_files_index: # Check last_files is still present if not(last_file in self._files_index): deleted_files.append(last_file) return (new_files, deleted_files)
if __name__ == "__main__": # TESTINGS from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication class TestPygphoto(QObject): def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) @pyqtSlot(bool) def connectCamera(self, boolean): print("Camera connected : " + str(boolean)) @pyqtSlot(list, list) def newFiles(self, new, deleted): print("New files : " + str(new)) print("Deleted files : " + str(deleted)) app = QApplication(sys.argv) testpygph = TestPygphoto() pygph = Pygphoto(watch_camera=True, watch_files=True) pygph.onCameraConnection.connect(testpygph.connectCamera) pygph.onContentChanged.connect(testpygph.newFiles) print("\n~~~~~~~~ query_camera_name") print(pygph.query_camera_name()) print("\n~~~~~~~~ _query_filename") filename = pygph._query_filename(1) print(filename) print("\n~~~~~~~~ _query_file_list") filelist = pygph.query_file_list() print("\n~~~~~~~~ download_file False") print(pygph.download_file(filename, "test", overwrite=False)) print("\n~~~~~~~~ download_file False") print(pygph.download_file(filename, "test", overwrite=False)) print("\n~~~~~~~~ download_file True") print(pygph.download_file(filename, "test", overwrite=True)) print("\n~~~~~~~~ download_all_thumbnails") print(pygph.download_all("thumbnails", thumbnail=True)) print("\n~~~~~~~~ download_files False") print(pygph.download_files(filelist, "test", overwrite=False)) print("\n~~~~~~~~ download_all") print(pygph.download_all("test")) input("Waiting for events now. Press Return to disable watching.\n\n") pygph.set_watching_camera(False) pygph.set_watching_files(False) input("Watching disabled. Press Return to end.\n\n")